Our Company's About Details.

We are a Marketing & Design Agency.

Founded by a self-made expert

Founded by Jeremy, a self-made expert with 18 years in web development, marketing, and technology, OLi Marketing, LLC embodies innovation and expertise.

What we can do for you

Our team excels in crafting impactful digital strategies that resonate with businesses and drive growth.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available,
but the majority have suffered alteration.


Working Process Two.


Understanding your business and goals.


Crafting a tailored digital strategy.


Implementing strategies across platforms.


Continuously optimizing for results.

Client-Centric Approach:
Each client's journey is unique.

  • Personalized Care:

    Tailoring services to each client's unique journey, fostering trust and transparency.

  • Partnership Focus:

    Treating clients as partners, we commit to a shared journey of digital success.

Our Team.

Core OLi Team.

Corporate React Template

Jeremy Barrera

CEO / Founder
Missouri, USA
Corporate React Template

Eddy Barrera

Sales Manager
California, USA
Corporate React Template

Dawna Wilson

CFO / Accounts Manager
Missouri, USA
Corporate React Template

Robert Alvarez

System Engineer
Colorado, USA